How many times did Michael Jackson retire and then come back to the great sport of basketball? I think I remember at least three. (There may have been a baseball stint somewhere in there as well.) So, I think it's completely acceptable for me to reannounce I am officially coming out of blog retirement. Most professional athletes come out of retirement and suck. I'm hoping my future in blogging isn't as bad. We will have to wait and see......
Art Show
Tonight was Cooper and Connor's Art Show which displayed all the art work they completed this summer during Rachel Waters' art class. They started about 5 weeks ago and completed a different art project every week. Tonight, family got to come and see their projects on display. It was so fun. Cooper and Connor are very artistic and love to create. Rachel, their art teacher, was awesome. She came up with the cutest projects and helped ignite their creativity. It was a great experience and I'm so proud of their great work!!