Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm so proud of myself....after about 9 freaking hours of trying to figure this out, I think I know how to post a video! I wanted to figure it out because I wanted to share this awesome video I took today of Kaid at his Ballroom Dance performance at Festival of Trees. It was too cute, and I was so proud. Kaid tried out for Ballroom Dance in the summer and made it. He has been going to practices every week, and today was the first time I was able to witness all of his hard work. I love his was so PIMP (I'm not sure if that's appropriate for a 7th grader, but it's the only word that comes to mind). He had to wear a shiny black shirt with black pants, and the dance group gave him his shiny red vest. Woo Woo. As you watch the video, look how serious Kaid is throughout the entire performance. He didn't smile or anything. He was totally concentrating. Sometimes you can even see him counting. I was laughing. However, from one dancer to another...timing is everything. You don't want to step on your partners toes or even worse...drop her. I'm so glad Kaid likes to do this because it is so fun for us to watch him. Who knows...maybe in a few years, Kaid will be on Dancing with the Stars.


Nancy said...

Wow Congrats Kaid!! And I totally agree on the Pimp comment!!
By the way go to Photobucket to upload movies.. It's way faster then on blogspot I think!!
see ya

The Kelly's said...

Dancing with the Stars here you come! How fun. You guys have your kids into such unique things. I'm going to have to hear some details about this when we talk again.

sav said...

that is so so cool! i love dancing and i want my kids to appriciate it too! your family is so dang cute! say hi to alexa for me!

Unknown said...

That is so cool. When I talked to Robb on Friday and he told me that you guys were going to see Kaid perform in ballroom, I was taken back. He is going to have all the ladies! That is seriously so impressive to me that he did that. Tell him congrats from me.

Art Show

Tonight was Cooper and Connor's Art Show which displayed all the art work they completed this summer during Rachel Waters' art class. They started about 5 weeks ago and completed a different art project every week. Tonight, family got to come and see their projects on display. It was so fun. Cooper and Connor are very artistic and love to create. Rachel, their art teacher, was awesome. She came up with the cutest projects and helped ignite their creativity. It was a great experience and I'm so proud of their great work!!