Monday, November 10, 2008

Book Club Anyone???

I have tried on many different occasions to organize a book club, but I have not been very successful. Apparently, not a lot of people like to read anymore. I'm a HUGE fan of reading and am always interested in hearing what people have to say about books. So...this is an outreach program to all of you who are interested in joining my book club. I will officially nominate me as the President so you don't have to do any of the organizing (at least not the first time around). Give me a shout out if good ol' fashioned reading is your style.


thebarrusfamily said...

I want to join! I know I'm way out of town but I can say what I think through your blog.

Nate and Nicole said...

I am glad that I was able to scar Robb with my nerd outfit.
Nate was equally as scarred.
Oh, and I would join your book club but seeing as how I don't read, I probably wouldn't add much to the group.

Niederfam said...

B I've been trying to find your blog and was so happy I saw your comment to Nicole, so I could get the right address. CUTE BLOG. I'll totally join, and I do read, does People count??? ;) Okay, I do read a few other things too!!!

Bree said...

Even though I live in Sin City, I would love to join your book club. I read ANY chance I get. Let me know. You should email me at

Natalie said...

I am always up for a good read... perhaps you'll post about a good book and we can comment on our thoughts about the book. Not the old fashioned book club, but more of a blogging book club!

Art Show

Tonight was Cooper and Connor's Art Show which displayed all the art work they completed this summer during Rachel Waters' art class. They started about 5 weeks ago and completed a different art project every week. Tonight, family got to come and see their projects on display. It was so fun. Cooper and Connor are very artistic and love to create. Rachel, their art teacher, was awesome. She came up with the cutest projects and helped ignite their creativity. It was a great experience and I'm so proud of their great work!!